The second training and associated usability evaluation sessions (conducted six weeks after training session I) cover the details associated with designing, conducting, recording, and following up on scenario-based usability evaluations. Included in the training is a tutorial on specific software that facilitates data collection and recording of audio, screen use (including mouse tracking), and video. Attendees led end-users through three scenarios related to electronic medication administration record (eMAR) use. The training culminated in sharing and prioritizing the results of the respective evaluations.
Findings included issues related to the:
- potential for error due to the fact that clinical decision support is not fully integrated into the eMAR,
- counter-intuitive nature of numerous aspects of the electronic documentation process,
- frequent use of terminology with which end users are either unfamiliar or find counter-intuitive, and
- mismatch of design conventions to users’ mental models associated with the (current) paper processes.