Bat-zion Hose

Contact Informationbetsy
3139 Engineering Centers Building
1550 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Program Affiliations
Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

B.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fields of Interest

Patient Safety
Human Factors and ergonomics
Design of team health information technology
Human factors and systems engineering in healthcare


Graduate Student Travel Award (2018)
NSF Summer School on Decision-Making in Systems Engineering & Design Scholarship at University of Southern California (June 24-29, 2018)
Rea C. and David H. Gustafson Scholarship (2017)
Robert Ratner Senior Design Award (2016)
International Engineering Studies and Programs (IESP) Photo Contest (2015)


ResearchGate site

ORCID site