Contact Information
Abigail Wooldridge
Engineering Centers Building
Room 3139
1550 Engineering Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Program Affiliations
Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Industrial and Systems Engineering Ph.D. Student, University of Wisconsin
M.S. Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin
M.Eng. Industrial Engineering, University of Louisville
B.S. Industrial Engineering, University of Louisville
Fields of Interest
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Healthcare Systems
Mixed Methods Research
Sociotechnical Systems
Awards Fellowships / Professional Activities
HFES Alphonse Chapanis Student Paper Award Semi-Finalist (Top 10)
Antoinette Derjani-Bayeh Scholarship for women/minority students interested in socially active causes
UW Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Graduate Student Travel Award
AHRQ T32 Training Grant Trainee
Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellow
Outstanding Student Award (Speed School Honor Graduate)
Lewis S. Streng Award
Tau Beta Pi Fife Fellow
Alpha Pi Mu Wolter J. Fabrycky Scholarship
National Merit Scholar
Wooldridge, A.R, Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P.L.T., Hose, B.-Z., Ross, J.C., Kohler, J.E, Brazelton, T.B., Eithun, B.L., Kelly, M.M., Dean, S.M., Rusy, D.A., Durojaiye, A., Gurses, A.P. (To be published). Complexity of the Pediatric Trauma Care Process: Implications for Multi-Level Awareness. Paper accepted for publication by Cognition, Technology and Work.
Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Eagan, B., & Shaffer, D. W. (2018). Quantifying the Qualitative with Epistemic Network Analysis: A Human Factors Case Study of Task-Allocation Communication in a Primary Care Team. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering. DOI: 10.1080/24725579.2017.1418769
Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Hose, B.-Z., Gurses, A. (Accepted). Redefining the Scope of the Care Transition Process: A Study of Pediatric Trauma Care Transitions. Paper accepted for presentation at the HFES Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Oct 1-5, 2018
Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Hose, B.-Z., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Durojaiye, A. & Gurses, A. Complexity of the Pediatric Trauma Care Process: Understanding Patient Pathways. National Academy of Engineering Regional Meeting and Symposium: Transforming Healthcare Through Engineering, May 3, Madison, Wisconsin.
Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Hose, B.-Z., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Durojaiye, A. & Gurses, A. Complexity of the Pediatric Trauma Care Process: Understanding Patient Pathways. Wisconsin Institute for Healthcare Systems Engineering 2018 Conference, May 2, Madison, Wisconsin.
Chiou, E., Roscoe, R., Wooldridge, A. R. (2017). HFES Diversity Committee 2017 Annual Meeting Wrap-Up. HFES Bulletin Newsletter. October 2017, 60(11).
Chiou, E., Wooldridge, A. R., Price, M., Mosqueda, E., & Roscoe, R. (2017). The Diversity Committee – Challenges and Opportunities for Involvement. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1) 498-500.
Wooldridge, A. R., Hoonakker, P. L. T., Gurses, A. P., Carman, E.-M., Waterson, P., & Sesto, M. (2017). Designing and Managing Healthcare Transitions. In M. Fraser and M. Robertson (Eds.), Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management – XII (pp.538-541) Banff, Canada: Association of Canadian Ergonomists.
Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Hose, B.-Z., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Gurses, A. (2017). Understanding Team Complexity in Pediatric Trauma Care. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare Symposium, March 5-8, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Hose, B.-Z., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Wooldridge, A. R., Ross, J., Kohler, J., Brazelton, T., Eithun, B., Kelly, M., Dean, S., Rusy, D., Gurses, A. (2017). Information Need of Physicians in Pediatric Trauma Care. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare Symposium, March 5-8, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hundt, A. S., & Hoonakker, P. L. T. (2017). SEIPS-based process modeling in primary care. Applied Ergonomics, 60, 240-254. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.11.010
McGeorge, N. M., Durojaiye, As. B., Fackler, J. C., Xie, A., Rosen, M. A., Hunt, E. A., Stewart, D., Puett, L. L., Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Gurses, A. P. (2016). Pediatric Trauma Care Transitions: Understanding Teamwork for Health IT Design. Seventh Annual Johns Hopkins Medicine Patient Safety Summit: Working Together to Achieve Zero Preventable Harm, October 2016, Baltimore, MD.
Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hoonakker, P., Musa, A., & Bain, P. (2016). Technology-Mediated Communication between Patients and Primary Care Clinicians and Staff: Ambiguity in Secure Messaging. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 60(1), 556-560.
Cartmill, R., Wooldridge, A. R., Cheema, S., Hoffmann, A., Steege, L., Du, S., Beasley, J., Hahn, D., Smith, P., Vidaver, R., Wetterneck, T. B. (2016). “The Complicated Application of GDTA to Primary Care.” I-Practise Annual Conference, April 24-26, Madison, Wisconsin.
Wooldridge, A. R., Carayon, P., Hundt, A. S., Cartmill, R., Hoonakker, P., Kainfar, S. (2016). “SEIPS-Based Workflow Modeling in Primary Care.” UW Resident and Student Quality Improvement Symposium, April 14, Madison, Wisconsin.
Carayon, P., Kianfar, S., Li, Y., Xie, A., Alyousef, B., & Wooldridge, A. (2015). A systematic review of mixed methods research on human factors and ergonomics in health care. Applied Ergonomics, 51, 291-321. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.06.001
Carayon, P., Kianfar, S., Li, Y., & Wooldridge, A. (2015). Organizational design: Macroergonomics as a foundation for human systems integration. In D. A. Boehm-Davis, F. T. Durso & J. D. Lee (Eds.), APA Handbook of Human Systems Integration (1 ed., pp. pp.573-588). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Carayon, P., Kianfar, S., Li, Y., Xie, A., Alyousef, B., & Wooldridge, A. R. (2014). The use of mixed methods in healthcare human factors and ergonomics research. In O. Broberg, N. Fallentin, P. Hasle, P. L. Jensen, A. Kabel, M.E. Larsen & T. Weller (Eds.), Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management – XI (pp. 615-619). Copenhagen, Denmark: CPH Conference.
Wooldridge, A. R., Hoover, S. R., & Holman, G. T., (2013). “Evaluation of Current Simulation Methods in and their Impact in Healthcare.” Society for Health Systems Conference 2013, March 1 – 4, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Wooldridge, A. R., Kello, J., Mueller, M., (2011). “Using Simulation to Develop a Productivity Standard in a Pre-Admission Testing Department.” INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting, November 13 – 16, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Gentry, E., Wooldridge, A. R., DePuy, G. W., (2011). “Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Improving Patient Throughput Time.” Society for Health Systems Conference 2011, February 17 – 20, Orlando, Florida.