CQPI’s Philosophy

Photo: Michael Forster Rothbart
CQPI is a true interdisciplinary center. Our faculty and scientists represent a variety of fields, including medicine, nursing, pharmacy, business, psychology, and engineering. Through hands-on “action research” projects, we work with diverse groups throughout UW-Madison, the U.S., and the world.
CQPI is worldwide leader in human factors research applied to health care. Our widely published faculty and staff have received many national and international awards. Professor Pascale Carayon (Director of CQPI) is a Fellow of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society and the International Ergonomics Association. She also received the University of Wisconsin-Madison Ragnar E. Onstad Award for Service to Society. Our research is funded by numerous agencies and private organizations including AHRQ, NIH, NSF, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and others.